Become a member

After attending tryouts and being assigned a spot on one of OSI Volleyball's teams, you must become a member of the club to participate at the practices.

Register here


As a member, you are bound by OSI’s rules and regulations, as well as the laws of The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports. Please note that this includes the club's right to sanction individual members who violate the rules by reprimand, fine, or exclusion from participating for a limited time period. Violation of the rules includes, but is not limited to, violent and offensive behavior, drinking alcohol, or other substance abuse at sports facilities.


You pay a fixed OSI fee of NOK 140 to the central administration (NOK 200 if you are a non-student), and NOK 300 to OSI Volleyball (NOK 600 if non-student). Both these fees are applicable for one semester only.

You also need to pay a refundable member fee (price differs in relation to level) which will be refunded if you do volunteer work for the club. If you are playing for a team, you also need a license, which includes insurance (price differs in relation to level). 

Also, all OSI members who are part of an OSI group that uses SiO Athletica’s training facilities, have to pay entrance or membership to SiO Athletica. For prices, you can go to SiO Athletica's website. Note that as a member of SiO Athletica, you are obligated to follow their rules for use of their facilities. Membership in OSI and SiO Athletica are two separate memberships, and to start or close your SiO Athletica membership, you will have to contact them directly.